
Loud and clear

Events and discussions need to be conducted in a charming and skilful way by an experienced moderator. He accompanies the audience through the programme, keeps them focused and never forgets about time and process. And at discussions he keeps track of the thread of the conversation. Is it just a talent? No, good preparation is an important part of it. And the experience. Our moderators would love to support you through your event. Ultimately, you should be able to enjoy it just as much as your audience will.

  • ims-moderation-2013

International Mountain Summit | moderation discussion rounds with Reinhold Messner and Klaus Zumwinkel

  • chervo-moderation-1

Chervò Sports | moderation 30-year-celebration of Chevrò

  • gemeindetag-2013

Association of local authorities South Tyrol | moderation municipal day 2013

  • svp-moderation-1

SVP economy | moderation by the lecture : "Tatort: Integration"

  • raika-moderation-1

Raiffeisenkasse Eisacktal | speech and discussion evening "Die Neuerung des Sparpakets"
