
The value of books

You think that books are out of fashion? No way! They still accompany us wherever we go. Books transmit persistence, they transport feelings and character and stand for credibility and a good reputation- just like your business. Why not create a manual out of your know-how? Or represent the evolution of your product in an illustrated book? Or honour an anniversary by making a chronicle of your firm? We are full of ideas.. And the know-how to write and design your book in a way that you will enjoy it every time you take it out of your bookshelf.

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Eigenverwaltung Bürgerlicher Nutzungsrechte | Feldthurner Wald - Buch

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Hotel Oberwirt | graphically design and DTP type of the anniversary book "50 Jahre Hotel Oberwirt"

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Education commitee Lüsen | graphically design and DTP type of the book "EInblicke ins Gestern"
