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Company magazines
Municipal, association magazines
Digital Media
Web Contents
We publish
Editorial Texts
Advertising Texts
Text editing
We write:
Logos, advertisement, graphic design
Commercial prints
Business correspondence
Outdoor Advertising
We design
Media plans
Advertising concepts
Public relations
We plan
Phone announcements
Audio recordings
Radio spots
We record
Hotel Haus an der Luck |
HGV | sale Night Angel
MdEP Herbert Dorfmann | pictures for the website and booklet
Degust | operation portrait "Der Brixner"
Kahl | sale removal - covering of the shop window, citylight, customer stopper, flyer, set of insertion
Tourism association Eisacktal | advertorial GEO Saison
Igmar's Erste-Hilfe-Shop | pictures for the booklet
Chervò Sports | moderation 30-year-celebration of Chevrò
Nicom Securalarm | booklet and insertion
BrixnerPlus | BrixnerPlus
Grissino | insertion
Stadtwerke Brixen ASM | Sticker Bio-Point
Tourism association Eisacktal | advertorial "Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin"
Elektro Reichhalter | insertion
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | Agenda Frühjahr 2020
Michaeler & Partner | hotel building Journal
The "Brixner" | reading circle / screen graphic
Fashion centre Pallhaus | fashion outlet - flyer, insertion
Education commitee Lüsen | graphically design and DTP type of the book "EInblicke ins Gestern"
Gastropool | Agenda
Municipality Brixen | Broschüre für Jugendliche
Soccorso alpino | yearly calendar 2014
Dekadenz | jazz-spring concerts posters and booklet
Degust | a set of insertion
Gostnerdach | design website
Dekadenz | The Threepenny Opera / design poster and booklet
Loacker | graphically design and phrase of the newsletter
Consorzio Agrario di Bolzano | Jubiläumszeitschrift
Mrs. Sporty | insertion and flyer
Consisto | letterhead and pad | Live Award 2013 booklet, DVD, book of pictures
Friedrich Mittermair | election campaign notepad, business card, paperbag for chestnut, pens, magazine
| off-voice for imagevideo
Tourism association Brixen | Dine, Wine & Music - Key Visual, folder, billboard
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | labelling of cars
Landeshotelfachschule Bruneck | Leporello Oberschulen Pustertal
Degust | logo + corporate design
District community Burggrafenamt | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2009
Ordine dei Giornalisti | logo
Kahl | sale Christmas - insertion, billboard, customer stopper
Municipality Brixen |
Association of local authorities South Tyrol | moderation municipal day 2012
Loacker | company magazine My Journal
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | booklet relief fond
Hotel Gasthof Kircher | logo development and graphically appearance
Grohe | text editing for the homepage
Tischlerei Brunner | Autogestaltung | design website
Restaurant Fink | image advertisement and sale week
Rotech | poster
Frauen helfen Frauen | poster and postcards
Autonomous Province Bozen | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2010
Brixmedia Werbeagentur | #bestofBrixen an exclusive city guide 2.0
Nicom Securalarm | insertion
ACS Data Systems | customer magazine
Salon Top Style | pictures and design insertion
Gostnerdach |
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | text for the website
Waldelerhof | pictures for the website
Konzept | insertion
Brixmedia Werbeagentur | #bestofbrixen an exclusive city guide
Degust | exterior design company premises
Consisto | logodesign
Salon Alexander | insertion
Hotel Flötscherhof | insertion
Beton Eisack | campaign in 2014 / poster and price-list
Handelskammer Bozen | campaign availability
Edelweiß hut | folder
Nicom Securalarm | mediaplan
hds | Brixen | campaign: saturday shopping fever - folder + poster
Salon Alexander | advertorial
SVP economy | presentation on a projection screen in the Forum Brixen | mad puppet and citizen band Gries Live - Digipak, booklet, CD+DVD
Easymobil | Logodesign
E. Innerhofer AG | text editing for the website
Dogat | insertion
Martin Wieland | logo and business card
Tourism association Eisacktal | Viae magazin vacation area Eisacktal / editorial texts
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | benefit event
Beton Eisack | design auto
Tourism association Eisacktal | advertorial GEO Saison
Willeit Immojus | insertion
Mabo GmbH | corporate design
Commitee Klausen | insertion
Tischlerei Brunner | Werbekonzept
Agristrade | insertion - flyer - folder
Friedrich Mittermair | election campaign LKW-stickers, flags
Municipality Vintl | Relaunch Gemeindeblatt Vintila Bote
Ordine dei Giornalisti | letterhead
Männergesangsverein Brixen | Hoblschoatn 2014
Beton Eisack |
Kondominium KG | operation portrait "Der Brixner"
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | Agenda Autumn 2017
Burchia Eccher | webdesign
Ambiente Home & Wine | insertion
Stadtwerke Brixen ASM | Gestaltung Aufdruck Upcycling-Tasche im Corporate-Auftritt
Disco New | bigprint fire damage
Bad Bachgart | booklet Design
Bodywell | flyer
| Screendesign
Stadtwerke Brixen ASM | Tätigkeitsbericht 2019–2021
ACS Data Systems | operation portrait "Der Brixner"
District community Pustertal | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2011
Gostnerdach | logo - relaunch Gostnerclean
| booklet education opportunities 2014
Municipality Vintl | municipal magazine VIntl
Brimi - dairy farm Brixen | pictures for the design of the company magazine
Tischlerei Brunner | Redesign Website
Saxl floorcovering | insertion campaign
Association of local authorities South Tyrol | moderation municipal day 2011
Ambiente Home & Wine | business card
Saxl floorcovering | logo - relaunch
Pertinger The Kitchen Stove | insertion, slogan and Copy-Text
Rotech | logo, letterhead and portfolio | Steve Lukather design insertion and posters
Municipality Freienfeld | layout and DTP type of the municipal newspaper "Gugger"
GKN Sinter Metals |
Gemeinde Barbian | Gemeindezeitung
Agentur für Bevölkerungsschutz | Logo Rienzact
Nicom Securalarm | on-screen presentation
Dekadenz | programm of the month
Association of local authorities South Tyrol | association magazine Die Gemeinde
Dekadenz | programm and poster NippleJesus
Mabo GmbH | design logo + insertion Station Center
Pertinger The Kitchen Stove | insertion
ACS Data Systems | design logo of the product
Pizzeria Hofkeller | image advertisement and sale week
Municipality Vahrn | initiative "Lebendige Gemeinde" Key Visual, questionnaire
Mabo GmbH | design site fence and car Station Center
Fashion centre Pallhaus | sale "Alles raus" | Citylight
Handelskammer Bozen | campaign availability
Tourism association Eisacktal | Viae magazin vacation area Eisacktal / pictures
SSV Bozen handball | insertion, flyer, poster
Landeshotelfachschule Bruneck | messages and absences
Dekadenz | jazz-autumn concerts posters and booklet
Saxl floorcovering | insertion
MdEP Herbert Dorfmann | overall conception and design website
Hotel Gasthof Kircher | text editing for the website
Municipality Lüsen | municipal magazine Lisna
Mrs. Sporty | slogan for the bus advertisement "Jetzt tue ich was für mich!"
Tourismusverein Klausen | Infoheft für Hotels
Kahl | advertising sale Esprit
| Tourist magazin viae 2019 | Webdesign | Redesign Website
Municipality Klausen | booklet "Klausen erleben"
Forum Brixen | image booklet - rollup
Partyservice Creafood | logo design
| pictures reference project | mad puppet concertposter and flyer
Bezirksmedien GmbH/Der Vinschger | relaunch magazin Vinschger | online city magazin
Dekadenz | booklet anniversary 30 years
hds | Brixen | campaign: shopping in Brixen
Band Lüsen | invitation anniversary concert
Innova | naming / design logo
Urania Meran | draft of the cover
Strickersprint | picture Domplatz for the Stricker Sprint
Municipality Natz-Schabs | municipal magazine Natz-Schabs
Huber GmbH | pictures
Nicom Securalarm | letterhead, portfolio and file
Municipality Brixen | sensitization campaign "Hundekot"
| Einladung Frühjahrskonzert
Landesverband der Handwerker | booklet Design
Beton Eisack | insertion image campaign
Eisackwerk | insertion
Municipality Mühlbach | project "Lebendiger Ort Mühlbach"
| press photo / award Käsiade 2012
Innova | offer template, product sheets, portfolio, booklet, CD-Cover and display
ACS Data Systems | relaunch logo & brand manual
Fashion centre Pallhaus | sale "Alles raus" | Key Visual, flyer, a set of insertion, Citylight, facebook
Liederszene Südtirol | 25 years - concertposter, invitation, CD-Cover and booklet
Association Trendy | Trendy Bar - design bar
Municipality Brixen | project "Bürgerschalter"
Beton Eisack | Firmenprospekt und Betonfibel
| a set of insertion
hds | Mühlbach | campaign "Treuepass" - collective passport, loyalty points, box of cards, shop window decoration
The "Brixner" | city magazin - design, DTP type and texts
Raiffeisenkasse Eisacktal | speech and discussion evening "Wandel intelligent gestalten"
GKN Sinter Metals | concentricity
| Gästemagazin Viae 2022
Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Innsbruck |
ACS Data Systems | mousepads
Municipality Freienfeld | logodesign fot the municipal newspaper Freienfeld
Landesberufsschule Tschuggmall | Schulknigge
Rotech | presentation
Environment Agency Brixen | booklet Design
Strickersprint | booklet Stricker Sprint 2013
Liederszene Südtirol | Musik macht Schule Plakate, Roll Up, Website
Dr. med. Meinhard Fliri | insertion
Fela | poster
Stadtwerke Brixen ASM |
Hotel Astor |
GKN Sinter Metals | Relaunch Rundlauf
Stadtwerke Brixen ASM | Kundenstopper Wertstoffsammlung
Prowellness | price list - insertion
Eigenverwaltung Bürgerlicher Nutzungsrechte | Feldthurner Wald - Buch
Partyservice Creafood | letterhead
SVP economy | moderation by the lecture : "Tatort: Integration"
Hogast | redesign logo and manual
Mittermair KG | inhouse - poster
Lukas Lobis | theater programm & poster: Lobis in the air
Brimi - dairy farm Brixen | company magazine
ACS Data Systems | Cloud Computing | Folder
| Gästemagazin Viae 2023
District community Eisacktal | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2008
SSV Brixen Handball | Kinderbuch zum Handball-Jubiläum
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | redesign logo
Bibliotheksverband Südtirol | Grafik für "Ball der Bibliotheken"
| Geschäftsdrucksachen
Alp House | insertion - relaunch
Ordine dei Giornalisti | labels
Tourism association Eisacktal | advertorial "Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin"
Arton | Südtirol Filarmonica
| Everski | CD Coverdesign
Dogat | inhouse - sign
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | Agenda Spring 2014
District community Salten-Schlern | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2014
Mader GmbH | advertorial
Municipality Brixen | bigprint "Bürgerschalter"
Restaurant Finsterwirt | a set of insertion
Christine Schölzhorn | Booklet "Kunst zum Wohlfühlen"
Mersi Deco | insertion
hds | Mühlbach | shopping voucher, customer stopper, folder
Salon GoldenCut | business cards
Municipality Mühlbach | project "Lebendiger Ort Mühlbach"
Dekadenz | design poster and programmfolder
Association Trendy | design logo
Igmar's Erste-Hilfe-Shop | logo - design
Class final grade | graduation ball - poster, invitations, flyer, facebook
Bruno Gostner | insertion
Tourism association Brixen | Dolomiten Marathon pictures
ACM | business stationery, booklet, christmas card
Northland Professional | insertion, flyer, invitation
GKN Sinter Metals | invitation - anniversary booklet
Automobile Beganovic | mediaplan
Dietmar Leitner architect | logodesign
Municipality Klausen | Redesign Clausa
Salon GoldenCut | logo
Igmar's Erste-Hilfe-Shop | design booklet
Dietmar Leitner architect | design business paper | letter paper, cover and business cards
Degust | yearly calendar
Brimi - dairy farm Brixen | Brimi Kurier 2019
| campaign collection TetraPak
Garage Plose | mailing customer service
Bibliotheksverband Südtirol | Relaunch "zum Lesen"
Brenner Terme | thermaline product photography
Acquarena | voucher
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | patient instruction
Municipality Brixen | info booklet "50 Jahre demokartisch gewählter Gemeinderat"
Strickersprint | booklet Stricker Sprint 2014
Beton Eisack | campaign in 2013 / poster and price-list
Elite Lutteri | a set of insertion
ACS Data Systems | editing booklet cloud computing
Sedo | Dogtoilet folder
Hotel Oberwirt | graphically design and DTP type of the anniversary book "50 Jahre Hotel Oberwirt"
Association of local authorities South Tyrol | moderation municipal day 2013
Transbrenner Konsortialgesellschaft | flyer
District community Wipptal | DTP type and editing of the booklet "Cultura Socialis" 2013
Thomas Hochkofler | design poster and flyer "Heint isch nicht"
Studio Amort | image campaign
Gostnerdach | corporate design
MdEP Herbert Dorfmann | europe election campaign 2014
Pro Cableway Commitee Brixen | pro cable railway website
Restaurant Fink | redesign logo
Municipality Natz-Schabs | Relaunch Gemeindezeitschrift "Reiher"
Gastropool | testimonial campaign
Innova | business print forms + pad
Dekadenz | text editing for the website
Bakery Profanter | pictures of different sorts of bread for posters and flyer
The "Brixner" | Redesign Monatszeitung | Live Award 2013 pictures
Agristrade | logo
Salon Astrid | design shop window
Hotel Oberwirt | anniversary logo and wine labels
Municipality Vahrn | Hot-Spot-Banner
Tourism association Brixen | Neues Key Visual Sommeremotionen
Education commitee Lüsen | calendar of events
Municipality Brixen | performance review
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | logo - illustrations for free standing billboards
Association Trendy | advertising concept / booklet , flyer, list of beverages
International Mountain Summit | moderation discussion rounds with Reinhold Messner and Klaus Zumwinkel
Municipality Bruneck | Shoppingführer Bruneck
Bibliotheksverband Südtirol | association magazine Zum Lesen | Plakate & Flyer
E. Innerhofer AG | hotel bath counselor
Fashion centre Pallhaus | logodesign
Landeshotelfachschule Bruneck | Faltblatt Luzern
Kahl | Jack Wolfskin | easter voucher - design
Tourism association Eisacktal | viae 2018
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | course of lectures
Pizzeria Hofkeller | graphically design and menu and loyalty card, voucher
Tourism association Brixen | Shoppingführer Brixen 2015/16
Brimi - dairy farm Brixen | Ccalendar 2018
Lukas Lobis | theater programm & poster: Bumms
Municipality Mühlbach | Mühlbacher Marktblatt- edition april 2012
HGV | chestnut week - flyer, bigprint, insertion
Bildungsausschuss Mühlbach/Vals | 750 Jahre Markt Mühlbach
Lukas Lobis | pictures and design of the poster and insertion "Kevin Kostner"
Liederszene Südtirol |
Thomas Hochkofler | design poster "Hell werd sein..."
Southtyrolean Cancer Aid | calendar of events
MdEP Herbert Dorfmann | half time - result
Ossanna | logo relaunch - business stationery
Beton Eisack | site sign
Dekadenz | relaunch logo for the jazz-concerts
Lanz BauArt | logo for the residential complex "Edenstein"
Formaxiom | voice recording animation Raiffeisen online banking
hds | Brixen | campaign: saturday shopping fever - tarpaulin and shop window covering
Martin Wieland | folder
Raiffeisenkasse Eisacktal | speech and discussion evening "Die Neuerung des Sparpakets"
Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Innsbruck
Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Innsbruck |